City on a Hill

Citywide Gathering
Burnett’s Mound, Topeka, KS
Thursday, September 30 – Saturday, October 2, 2010


The Tabernacle of David on Burnett's Mound

First Nations representatives welcomed the church at the Thursday evening Two into One sacred assembly which was a multicultural, interdenominational gathering. 

Two sticks are joined together according Ezekiel 37:15-28 signifying the unity of the Topeka church under one King, advancing one kingdom.

 Pastor Tommy Scott anoints the two sticks that have now been bound together in the form of a cross.

Worshiping Friday

Interceding with music on Friday

Latin worship on Friday evening

Multi-cultural gathering on Friday evening

A testimony of healing at Friday meeting

More worship and intercession Friday evening

Preparing the take up the cross Saturday morning

Ascending the summit to lift high the cross over Topeka